
10_1018 | migration migranes...

Hello fair readers.  A lot has happened since we last spoke.  Most significantly, after a series of moves, I have ended up in southern California.  Yes, like the millions of birds taking to the skies, I have gone south for the winter.  The question is, when will I flap my wings north again?  The future is uncertain.  At this point, I am stuck here…indefinitely.  The reason for my emigration of the great north is gainful employment.  As beautiful and freeing as self employment was, I got an offer that I didn’t refuse.  I could have, but at this point in my life it this was the smart decision.  So here I am, soaking up the famous SoCal sunshine [which thus far appears to be brown smoggy skies or misty, cloud-like rain] and enjoying all the south has to offer.  I’m back with LPA, Inc. in the Irvine office.  It’s great to be back in the saddle and working on public projects again.  I’m in the K-12 [read: schools] market segment and could give you some sappy and romantic speech about the rewards of changing the lives of kids, one school design at a time, but I will spare you.  I would never emphasize that my work allows the youth of America to have the facilities necessary to get the education they deserve.  That through my designs, kids will be able to play at recess and get the exercise necessary to live fit, healthy lives.  Oh no, I won’t bother you with the pretentiousness that I am better than you because I am single handedly making America smarter and healthier.  No, such extolling of my virtues would be arrogant and rude--and that is not what I am about.

I am currently staying with friends who are kind enough to loan me their couch whilst I get on my feet and find a place to live.  Internet access and time to think and blog are limited, so that is the reason I have been silent.  I promise that soon I will be uploading more recipes, thoughts, and rants for your entertainment.  In the meantime, please enjoy this recipe for a delicious fall treat.

spicy pumpkin soup

about 15 minutes
serves 4-6:

(1) 14 oz can pumpkin puree [not pumpkin pie mix!]
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup chicken broth
4 sprigs fresh thyme, tied together with cooking twine
1 medium shallot, minced
1 tbsp butter
1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp Chipotle pepper
1/2 tsp Chili powder
3/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp turmeric
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh chive spears

Melt butter in a medium sauce pan over medium-low heat.  Add the minced shallots and sauté until translucent.  Add sour cream, pumpkin puree, heavy cream, and chicken broth.  Stir ingredients together and let simmer over medium heat for 2 minutes.  Stir in thyme, cayenne, chipotle, chili powder, paprika, curry, turmeric, salt and pepper [this should make a mildly spicy soup.  Add spices to taste if you like a little more heat].  Let simmer for 6 minutes, stirring occasionally.   Remove sprigs of thyme and serve in cups with 4-5 spears of fresh chive for garnish.

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